What Next?

What next?

Well, change is always good but perhaps in more bit size portions and, perhaps not for everyone at the same time. But, we’ve done it/are doing it and that’s something to hold onto in these days of unscheduled change.

To write without touching on the impact that the loss of life is having would be unfathomable – each & every community in the UK has been affected and to what degree is still unmeasurable – we will undoubtedly count that cost as and when our national lockdowns are eased and we move into what is currently been put under the label of “new normal”.

Will people continue now to work from home as part of this new normal and as such, will we change the way we travel daily – or not? Will these large pre new world office and apartment structures still be filled with workers and residents or, will cities become a thing of the past? We were already losing high street stores to on-line shopping, will cities now become more free from congestion and will people now reverse the trend of in-city living and return to enjoy the countryside and local communities? I know where my hankering is these days and I’ll be working on this later this year when I’ve completed my MSc in Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology at UEL, London.

The 2020 Tsunami has hit and the only way now is up – but to what? Uncertainty is unsettling isn’t it and at the moment we don’t really have a good enough lens to see what will come next – enough for now on that though.

I wanted to reach out and be in touch after these intial few months and I’m trusting that you are all well – knowing that I am always divinely guided and protected gives me great strength and trust for the future – as and when I need it.

With love
